The most exclusive club in the verse

Founded Aug 25th 2947


The 600i Owners’ Club was founded in Aug/25/2947 and it is the oldest 600i yacht club in the verse. We would like to invite all the Elite Owner of the Origin 600i and the valuable crew member of the yacht. The Club is one of the world’s premier yacht clubs and our mission is to promote yachting, Trading, Exploring and fellowship among members.


The 600i Owners’ Club was founded in Aug/25/2947 and it is the oldest 600i yacht club in the verse. We would like to invite all the Elite Owner of the Origin 600i and the valuable crew member of the yacht to join the Club. The Club goal is to provide a social club for yacht owner to relax and socialize. while Casual Member going on a trip with the yacht, the Org members or CEO can use their time to do some trade with the other members of the club. Club Ranking system will change during the time. The First Club meeting will be ready when the member size reaches 50.

Members Rules

Rule 1

We are a half casual half regular organization

Rule 2

We do not force a player to engage in every org activity

Rule 3

We do not troll or damage org members property

Rule 4

We understand that real-life always comes first

Rule 5

We respect other cultures

Rule 6

We always welcome new players

Become a Member

Welcome all new 600i owners to join the club!
See you in the verse!

Members Roles and Ranks

The club differentiates between the following roles


Regular Member

Associate Member

Junior Member

Depending on different conditions members are assigned one of the following ranks

Club Leader

Your org is a partner of the club or you have High Admiral rank in the universe. You have 3+ spacecraft including a 600i.


You have 3+ spacecraft >60m long including a 600i or you are a member of the Million Mile High club.

Club Executive

You have 3+ spacecraft including a 600i.

Yacht Owner

You own a 600i.


You captain a 600i that you do not own.

Club Member

For 600i fans.


We are proudly partnering with other organizations